When practicing anything, including scales, it is vital that you include diversity in your practice. Try to include as many ways as possible in your practicing and be creative. I've left the last number blank because this is not a comprehensive list. Don't get stuck in just one way of practicing or just mindlessly repeat your scales (or your mistakes!). Engage your mind as much as possible and enjoy the process of learning.
With a friend
Simply playing for each other
Complete the scales for another another (four notes each, two octaves)
Every other note
Identifying the wrong notes of others
In order in a group: C Major, a natural minor, a melodic minor, a harmonic minor
In unison
In half steps (one person play the C major scales, the other person plays their C-sharp major scale)
In other intervals
Identifying the scale type your friend is playing
Singing together
Penny game
Flash cards
In order (Circle of fifths, etc.)
Out of order (random, hard ones first, etc.)
Five note scales
Fingering and saying note names out loud
Fingering and silently citing note names
Fingering and singing
Say the note names out loud without fingering
Write the notes on staff paper (so you know you know the scales away from the clarinet)
Write the note names on notebook paper
Sheet with helpful tips (e.g., chromatic fingering, A major has a D natural, etc.)
Christmas three scales/backwards
Relative major, then relative minor
Parallel major, then parallel minor
Think before you play
What is it related to?
What note do I start on?
What are the order of the notes?
What type of scales am I playing (major, harmonic, melodic, natural?)
Verbalize the mistake you made, identifying what is incorrect and what is correct (this means talking to yourself)
Playing SO slowly you have to think while you're playing (think whole notes or fermatas)
Vamp (repeat it over and over again without stopping)
Narrow your focus, start with a few a day and go from there... number scales on a sheet, don't try to learn everything all at once
With music, without music
Scale sheets with key signatures
Scale sheets without key signatures
Marking scale sheet (write in fingerings, note common mistakes)
White chords at the piano
Natural minor: play the major scale two notes below
Decided how to what to think about the scales (e.g., thinking about the ascending melodic minor scales as the major scale with lowered third or minor scale with raise 6 & 7)
Record yourself
Rhythms (eighth, two sixteenths; two sixteenths, eighth; dotted eighth sixteenth, etc.)
With metronome
Writing a scale schedule (make a plan!)
Write a paragraph about why scales are important
In musical context
Like you know them (with confidence)
Like a famous clarinetist
Figuring out where you are in the middle of the scale when you get lost but haven't yet made a mistake
Varied articulations (slur two, tongue two; slur three, tongue one; etc.)
From top to bottom
Whole steps and half steps (thinking about these relationships)
With different method books (Baermann, Hite, Albert, Galper, etc.)
Different formats: returning, interrupted, thirds, etc.
Transpose a song (like Happy Birthday) into all 12 keys